So, what is anxiety?
Anxiety is defined as a fear that persists even when there is no salient threat present.
Of course, some anxiety is necessary in life, it keeps us safe. Unfortunately, it becomes an issue when we are not in any danger, but we still continue to generate the response.
Clinical hypnotherapy is very effective in treating anxiety. We help you to focus on positive and realistic coping behaviours to help you access your personal resources, so you automatically begin to cope easier.

Through a process called extinction learning, we can gradually remove the fear response during clinical hypnotherapy. It is impossible to hold two ideas at the same time, you cannot feel completely anxious and also completely relaxed at the same time - the dominant emotion always wins.
Through the many different techniques we use during clinical hypnotherapy, we can gradually begin to replace those feelings of anxiety with relaxation, so you begin to remove those triggers that fuel your feelings.
When someone is experiencing anxiety, negative thoughts contribute towards those negative and unwanted feelings. Our trained Clinical Hypnotherapists can help identify those thoughts and assist you to create healthier thoughts so that naturally you begin to behave in a calmer way and become connected to feelings of relaxation.
There are many different symptoms of anxiety and all can contribute towards physical symptoms.
Some people complain of a tense feeling in their chest, for others it could be a warm sensation they feel spread around their body.
Anxiety can exacerbate physical conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, if you have a skin condition, you’ll often find periods of flare ups whenever you’re feeling stressed. What is always in agreement is that it isn’t a pleasant sensation.
A specific plan is tailored to each person by one of our therapists, to help them achieve their goals and to prepare for any issues along the way.
We easily identify any issues by using evidence-based procedures to help assess and build a strategic plan for success.
Case formulation (understanding of issues) is a very important part of any successful therapy. “A problem well defined is a problem halved.”
We focus on three main aspects that are required by any therapist:
Bond of trust between therapist and client
Agreement on therapy goals
Agreement on therapy tasks
The initial session will start with an introduction to dispel any concerns or misconceptions you have may about hypnotherapy.
Relevant questions will be asked so we can get a better understanding of what your main issue is, and if there are any other contributing stresses.
If there any obstacles getting in the way of you achieving your goals, we will work together to design a flexible plan to prepare for any setbacks so you can stay on track.
Hypnotherapy uses the hypnotic state to work with you to make a change, that you believe will help you live your life in a more meaningful way.
By combining therapy and hypnosis your ability to receive and act on suggestions can be enhanced and strengthened, therefore the change you desire more likely to be achieved.
Related testimonials

Nathan | February 2023
After suffering with flying for many years, even the thought of flying was awful for me I now thanks to Clare feel very confident about flying. Clare gave me a lot of very helpful techniques I can use, not just for flying but for everyday anxieties and stressful situations. I’ve not flown yet but I am extremely confident about doing it as opposed to fearing it. Thank you

June 2021
Thank you for all your help recently I honestly feel like my old carefree self again and after such a long time being stressed out and anxious it truly feels amazing. Here's my review/recommendation - it might be too long so feel free to snip it!
For such a long time I was stressed out and anxious and it started to affect every single day of my life. I sought help through my GP but medication and breathing exercises only get you so far when you're really struggling. I knew I wasn't supposed to be this way but I couldn't seem to shake my anxiety so I started to investigate alternative ways to manage it and came across hypnotherapy. I was sceptical at first, but nothing ventured nothing gained.... and I'm so glad I did! It's hard to put into words but I somehow feel like I've found the real me and after only a few sessions I feel like I can manage my anxiety much more easily which is such a massive deal to me. If you're at that point trying to decide if it's for you or not give it a try because if it helps, then like me you'll be wondering why you didn't try it a lot sooner.

March 2021
Dear Linda,
Recently a member of my family was not in a good place, unable to break out of a cycle of anxiety and worry about their health. This was despite obtaining professional medical help which had confirmed that they didn’t have a physical health condition. It was not easy seeing a loved one in floods of tears and not having the means to help them so I feel very fortunate to have you as a trusted business contact and able to turn to you for support. You were able to see them at short notice and to provide expert support and therapy in a professional and non-judgemental way, preventing an escalation of the issue, to the extent that you helped them make a lasting change and to get them to a better place after just a few sessions.
In closing, I would like to offer you our sincere thanks as I genuinely fear where we might have ended up without your intervention. I would not hesitate to recommend you, and the team at SanaMente, to anyone needing some help and support with their wellbeing or health.

Cassandra | 2021
I have absolutely loved working with Linda and recommend her and hypnotherapy to everyone. I had tried mindfulness to relax and keep my head clear but it was hard work compared to hypnotherapy. I was amazed at how quickly my head learnt to create space to be able to systematically deal with big and small anxieties. I hadn't realised that I was even stressed until I realised how much easier everything was after hypnotherapy. And it lasts - over my time working with Linda I've learnt from her amazing well rounded experience and insight (and without any effort on my part) to be able to keep a clear head so that I feel that I can not only cope but excel in any situation. I can not recommend SanaMente enough.

Dawn | 8 December 2020
I came to Clare suffering from driving anxiety which had reached a point that it was seriously impacting my quality of life. I was dubious as to whether anything would work as I had tried numerous self-help avenues.
It was amazing. I felt empowered and lifted even after the first session. The techniques used as part of the sessions are something I can and do use forever. I feel like the demon is back in the box. Sadly, due to COVID, there hasn’t been an opportunity to drive long distances. The fact that I’m excitedly planning trips without that sick feeling is a breakthrough in itself. I cannot recommend this place too highly. Clare changed my life! If you are unsure, don’t be. Set up a meeting and change your life too.

Scott | 11 November 2020
I walked in a broken man due to anxiety, severe panic attacks, uncontrollable stress levels and powerful overthinking. I had 5 sessions with Clare and followed the recordings she sent me each week – I did them morning and night without fail and sometimes during the day too. After 5 sessions, I walked away a different person, more at ease, happier and finally remembered what a smile felt like. Even a member of staff in the office I only had brief encounters with noticed the change in me on week 4.
In the 1st session my brain was fighting the hypnotherapy, I was struggling to relax and let myself go. After the 1st session I would say it’s important to practice the recordings Clare will give you and as time goes on you will be a lot more at ease and start to look forward to doing them. I would strongly recommend using Clare for any problems you are having.

Vaishali | October 2020
I was going through what I can honestly say was the most traumatic and testing time of my life, I had severe anxiety, probably PTSD, and was in a constant state of panic. I knew I needed help to get back to my usual confident and happy state of being but just didn’t know how to do this myself. I decided to try hypnotherapy as a friend of mine had reaped the benefits of the therapy too so I contacted SanaMente and received a call back immediately from Clare. The moment I spoke to her I instantly knew she was the right person with whom I could talk openly, gaining an immediate sense of trust, so I scheduled an appointment to visit the practice for my first session.
Clare is a very warm, open, relaxed person so I was able to discuss my fears and anxiety very freely. After the consultation, I went straight into a hypnotherapy session, the first biggest step of my recovery. It was the best thing I could have done to begin my journey of healing as the results were instant, even after the first session I felt so much better that I was surprised at how quickly I felt calm and my anxiety had hugely reduced. I went back to Clare for a few more sessions plus she provided me with recordings that I could listen to at home. By the 3/4 I felt much better and decided that I didn’t need anymore for the time being.
I can’t recommend Clare enough, she is a very talented professional whose nature and personality will make anyone feel at ease. I feel very lucky to have met her as she helped me to heal and build the strength I needed to get back to being me.

1 July 2020
I have been struggling with my anxiety recently due to the lockdown situation. I was worrying about leaving the house and getting back to work. I thought that I was doing ok, and that I could sort out my feelings on my own, but I was wrong. I had my appointments with Clare via Zoom, and it has made a huge difference to how I feel – much more relaxed and calm which was very much needed. I would highly recommend Clare and all of the SanaMente team – from start to finish they have been friendly, professional and extremely helpful.

Hemi | 2 April 2020
I have just had an excellent online relaxation session with Linda. Her experience and expertise helped me to calm my mind for the first time in 2 weeks! With everything going on, as a small business, I am very worried and uncertain about what will happen in the coming weeks and months. This was well-needed and very welcome!

Sally | 4 March 2020
I wanted to say thank you for all of your support so far on my journey to being at one with myself. Although I still feel at the beginning of this journey, you have already helped me in so many ways. Learning different coping mechanisms, letting go and supporting me to deal with day-to-day life.Already as I approach one of my usual trigger times of the year, my stress and anxiety levels are lower than they have ever been. I am able to recognise different emotions, take time out and re-focus. Being equipped with the right tools to deal with whatever may occur. Thank you not only for myself but also for the ongoing service and support you have provided to both colleagues and clients alike. Thank you again for your continued support.

Joanne | 2020
Linda was recommended to me to help with my anxiety. As a family, we had a difficult few years with my Mum's deteriorating health and then her death at the end of 2018. I was badly affected, whilst trying to cope with this and run my business and support other family members. I have learnt a huge amount from Linda and now have some great coping strategies to help me not only at this time but for the rest of my life. This is not hypnotherapy as you see on the stage. Linda is kind and understanding, supportive and calm. I can't thank her enough. It goes without saying that I would highly recommend her to anyone.

Vicki | 4 March 2019
I signed up for hypnotherapy after suffering for years from stress and anxiety. I would never fully commit to anything as I was afraid it would raise my anxiety levels and I would have a panic attack. Linda and her team have worked miracles. I am so much more confident and no longer feel I need to hold back in any area of my life.

Jody | 15 February 2019
Since seeing Linda, I have felt more confident in myself and feel less stressed from work. My panic attacks have completely stopped and I’m very motivated in my personal life.

February 2019
I have recommended a few people to you over the last few months and have had nothing but great feedback from the people who have visited, and who continue to follow your techniques. Before I did the initial introduction, I was asked if the service was confidential. They were afraid of any additional stress and were a little daunted by the thought of someone knowing their problems.
I said with no hesitation how professional Linda and her team are, and that confidentiality is a crucial part of her profession. Once the sessions had been completed, one of the referrals told me that their confidence is higher, they realised that there is help available for the situation they have and that the help will be continually available if it is needed.
I know this person has had a particularly stressful year and now that they can see the light at the end of the tunnel, it helps. They have changed the way that they once managed their workload. Their outlook on life is happier and they are becoming the person that they once were. I can personally see what Linda had done for these people and with that, I have no hesitation in recommending Linda and the team at SanaMente.

I’d like to thank you for the help and support you have given to my daughter in preparing for her exams. I asked her to give me her thoughts on how you helped and this is her response.
“For a long time, I have struggled with high levels of anxiety around school, exams, friendships and other people. Linda helped me over a few weeks to be more at ease with myself and to be calmer in stressful situations. I am really grateful for how she has helped me, and her help has lowered my anxiety level a lot. Although sometimes I still let my worries get the better of me, I now feel so much more ready to face my exams in the summer and many new pressures that will arise in the future. I thank Linda for that”.